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This is a map of Aktobe Province, You can Show street map of Aktobe Province, Show satellite imagery(with street names, without street names) and Show street map with terrain, enable Panoramio
Aktobe (Kazakh: Ақтөбе облысы, Aqtöbe oblısı, اقتوبە وبلىسى) is a province of Kazakhstan. The Aktobe provincial capital is the city of Aktobe, with a population of more than 340,000. The province itself has a population 678,900. The area of the province is 300,600 square kilometers, making it the second largest province of Kazakhstan, after Karagandy Province. Aktobe Province borders Russia to the north and Uzbekistan to the south, and also borders six other Kazakh provinces: the Atyrau Province to the west, the Mangystau Province to the south-west, the Karagandy Province to the east, the Kostanay Province to the north-east, the Kyzylorda Province to the south-east, and the West Kazakhstan Province to the north-west. The Ilek River, a tributary of the Ural River, flows through the province. The name "Aktobe" comes from Kazakh "Ақ" (white) and "төбе" (hill); supposedly, Aktobe's initial settlers were able to see white mountains far to the north.









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